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Trisha Dullu
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Creating an alternate place with what the “heart” sees.
Trisha Dullu is a self-taught visual artist focusing on abstracts and landscape paintings. Her forte is Acrylics with an inclination towards heavy use of experimental mixed mediums. She has cradled this inherent flair for everything artistic ever since she was a child. Having an Honors degree in Economics and later a post-graduate degree in Masters in Business Administration, her career choices did not reflect this aptitude. She worked for various multinationals over a span of 12 years, heading a Branch of a leading international bank as her last position. She gave up her corporate career to bring up her two daughters. Giving herself 10 years in this role, she finally picks up the threads of her passion which throb in the entire fiber of her being. Hence, began her journey as a serious Artist in 2016 with the esteemed Sapumal Foundation in Colombo. It was not until 2020 that she felt confident of her self-taught ways to showcase her work in her first exhibit. She is an Indian born in 1976 in Assam and currently resides in the beautiful tropical island of Sri Lanka.
The eyes see landscapes of green mountains, blue seas, colorful city lights and concrete structures. The heart sees fragrances, sensations, light and emotions. My story starts from there. Life interspersed with changing scenario from the picturesque, Assam, place of my birth, through the years to the city life of Bangalore, Mumbai & Delhi and now ultimately finding myself amidst the quiet, warm sandy beaches of Sri Lanka, the heart yearns to create a space which is just mine. It is a world which just sits there without being judged by rules of color and norms and slowly reveals itself on my blank canvas speaking to me in countless possible ways.
I have been a conformist for major part of my adult life bound by “societal” norms, so abstraction on my blank canvas is something which speaks to me in leaps and bounds. It comes like a breath of fresh air, breaking the chains of conformity and giving my emotions the wings, it needs. It confirms the existence of free flow and spontaneity not just in my nature but now in my actionsmaking it my voice of expression.
With no formal training in art, experimentation and self-study have become my genesis. My experiments have led me to work with many mediums like acrylics, ink, structure paste, charcoal, retarder (to name a few) and make them my own in a special way. My choice of limited colour palette for series is another such experiment to bring out the variety and depth to which each color
interacts with other and the extent to which it can stretch to it’s own limits.
Being highly influenced with the works of my favorite mid-century abstract Artist Gerard Richter, I don’t want to tie myself down to any style, subject or medium. Hence, my art is evolving, and it will lead to newer things in the future. But for now, abstraction and impressionism are my weave.
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