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Urban Angels - I | Madan Lal | Best Contemporary Art | Indian Artist

Urban Angels - I | Madan Lal | Best Contemporary Art | Indian Artist

It is not easy to describe any thought in perfect words if it is the reflection of a deep-rooted mind. It depends upon the capacity of fragrance and how much one can inhale. Look at the white splash of color on the head of the decorated deer with prominent flowers. The white color reminds me of "Through her strainer falls the white flour like raining light. She kneads it and bakes it into bread. When the red fire comes out of the embers she collected with her own hands and
kindled into flames by stealing a spark from her own, glowing hearts, there rises on my heart a redder East than the morning East". The artist is sublime. Deer stands like a mountain carrying the perfume of God in him and champion of the soul. The entire world of flora and fauna are shown busy in their singing around Deer. Lotuses too are contributing the bags of purity and truth. White parrot near the head and the green in the frame are in dismay.


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